Contests & Such

So… contests. I joins them.

I’ve been entering NYC Midnight writing challenges since early 2015 and though I’ve advanced numerous times, I have yet to get to the final round in either their Short Story Contest or their Flash Fiction Challenge. I will keep on keeping on, though. ‘Tis fun and shit.

I also enter various other writing competitions and have a story being published this year (I hope) in Fiction War Magazine. Don’t worry, I’ll promote the shit out of that when it’s ready for purchase.

I will (possibly) update this page periodically to discuss writing the things but until then, you can find posts about writing contests on the Contests tab.



Is me. Except not as dark.

7 thoughts on “Contests & Such

  1. Awesome plan. I am stealing a page from you, and keeping a record of all the books that I read this year.
    I may have to modify it further, as I am including audiobooks, but wonder about comics, “journals”, and even magazines – maybe just those that have an impact?


  2. Thanks for participating in the blog contest! I read as many as 4 books a week some times, but you can’t keep a ridiculous reading pace up. I think averaging one book a week is excellent, and far above the general reading volume of the average person. So kudos.


    • Hey, thanks! Now that I’m reviewing on my blog, it’s reassuring to see how many others do the same thing. Reading is NOT dead! It’s a good thing to know.

      Thank you for the contest!


  3. I hadn’t heard of the challenge, even though I’m a total geek and bookworm. This year I’m not going to hit 50, but I’ll make up for that next year. Long live the wonderful book!


Grace me with your thoughts, my lovelies!